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Sensors for measuring humidity and levels of CO2, volatile substances and radon are key to maintaining a quality indoor environment in any building. Proper monitoring of these parameters ensures comfort and health, while optimal values help prevent respiratory problems, allergies and fatigue. This in turn improves productivity and performance, as fresh air and a pleasant climate promote concentration and overall well-being.

In addition to health benefits, these sensors also protect property and reduce energy costs. Maintaining the right humidity can prevent damage to furniture and electronics, while effective control of CO2 and humidity levels contributes to energy savings through optimal heating and cooling. Monitoring these factors also increases safety both in single-family homes in areas with elevated radon levels, or in industrial environments where there may be higher levels of volatile substances or formaldehyde. 

  • Fresh air without allergens and pollen
  • Moisture removal
  • Suitable for apartments and apartment buildings
  • Radon-free house
Přehled čidel 
Z-CRJ-P-001-čidlo RH sensor Humidity sensor, analogue / digital
12–24 V DC, plaster box
Z-CRJ-P-001-čidlo CO2 sensor CO2 concentration sensor, analogue / digital,
12–24 V DC, plaster box
Z-CRJ-P-001-čidlo TVOC sensor Volatile and formaldehyde concentration sensor,
analogue / digital, 12–24 V DC, plaster box
Z-CRJ-P-022-čidlo-radon Radon sensor Radon concentration sensor P-022

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